Narcissistic Relationship Recovery 

How did I get here?

Some signals that you might be contending with a narcissistic relationship.

  • Striving to please your partner, family member, or colleague, but continually receiving feedback that you are falling short

  • Chronic negativity, criticism, name calling, manipulation, and control tactics

  • Realizing empathy and emotional availability to care for your needs is severely lacking

  • Starting to doubt your own subjective experience of reality

  • Making frequent attempts to explain yourself

  • Justifying antagonistic behaviors from the narcissistic person, because a part of you deeply cares about this person

  • Holding on to the moments when things are going well with hope that maybe things can change

  • Experiencing symptoms like guilt, anxiety, and rumination about the relationship

  • Feeling lost and disconnected from your core self and the things that matter to you

Antagonism Informed Therapy

Navigating a narcissistic relationship with someone important to you can be exhausting, disorienting, and intensely stress inducing. With trauma - informed, antagonism - informed therapy, you can begin to:

  • Understand the realities of narcissistic relationship patterns

  • Accept that they (the relationship patterns and the narcissistic person) are unlikely to change

  • Develop deep compassion for yourself as you acknowledge the harm done

  • Understand the protective trauma responses your body has utilized to help keep you safe

  • Create the distance (whether physically or emotionally) that you need to establish safety

  • Gently recenter yourself and reconnect with your emotions, values, and needs 

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